FCH logo Fandrich Cone Harvesters:
Information Bulletins-- Shear

Table of Contents

Number Topic Written Revised
IB#21 Lodgepole Pine-Specific Machines February 2008  
IB#8 Fandrich Aerial Shear June 1988  
IB#7 Operating Instructions — Fandrich Aerial Shears June 1987 January 2008

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IB#21: Lodgepole Pine-Specific Machines

"IB#21: Lodgepole Pine-Specific Machines" is available in PDF format. To view it, please click here.

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IB#8: Fandrich Aerial Shear

June 1988 Information Bulletin

Manual-unload shear over tree in Chilliwack, B.C.

The Fandrich Aerial Shear:

The Fandrich Aerial Shear is:

You've probably read that in true fir, the Fandrich aerial rake collected cones 4 times faster than the aerial clipping method using an operator leaning out of a helicopter.

Now use a Fandrich Aerial Shear and combine the advantages of aerial clipping with aerial raking:

IF you haven't used aerial raking because you didn't want to use helicopter lift to cut branches,
OR aerial clipping because you didn't want to snuggle the helicopter against treetops and have pitchy branches heaved into the passenger compartment,
OR if you have collected cones aerially but want to increase your collecting rate with the safest aerial cone collecting method now available,
THEN phone Helmut Fandrich for more information about the new patented Fandrich Aerial Shear which has been in operation for three years. And to top it all off, for 1988 the rental rates Fandrich Aerial Shear are the same as for the Fandrich Aerial Cone Rake: a $300 service charge plus $25 per hectolitre of cones collected.

Cone Collection Data for 1988
SpeciesVolume (hL)Rate (hL/hr)*Location
Grand fir9012.2Chilliwack
Englemann spruce297.0Pemberton
Spruce1503.0Prince George
Douglas fir2912.9Vernon
White pine324.4Vernon
*Factors affecting rate: crop density, flight distance, quantity of tops collected and quantity of cones rejected.

Manual-unload shear in Chetwynd, B.C.

Unsolicited Responses

"Shear worked very, very well. . . 9000 tops without a miss." -Vernon pilot

Fandrich aerial shear was "very good." -Prince George forester

Collection "went really well." -Clearwater forester

"Please reserve a shear for next year." -Vernon forester

Manual-unload shear at Cultus Lake, B.C.
Time Study: Fandrich Aerial Shear
Date: September 11, 1988
Location: Pemberton, B.C.
Species: Englemann spruce
Helicopter: Hughes 500D
Helicopter collecting time = 4.15 hr
Number of loads = 30 = 8.3 min/load
Number of tops = 253 = 61 tops/hr
= 8.4 tops/load
Maximum number of tops = 14 tops/load
Volume collected = 29 hL= 7 hL/hr
=11 L/top
= 1 hL/load
Typical length of top = 8 feet
Typical diameter cut = 2.5-3.0 inch
Unloading time with 1 man = 71 sec/load
Unloading time with 2 men = 39 sec/load

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IB#7: Operating Instructions — Fandrich Aerial Shears

"IB#7: Operating Instructions — Fandrich Aerial Shears" is available in PDF format. To view it, please click here.

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