IB#16: Fandrich Grapple
August 1996 Information Bulletin
The Fandrich Aerial Grapple moves materials by using only the
lift of the helicopter to grasp, carry and dump the load. All action
is mechanical. The grapple resets itself by using its own weight.
The patented grapple quickly transports material, moves logs or
cleans creeks at 80 - 120 loads per hour.
The Fandrich grapple's articulated fingers are self-actuating. As the pilot lowers the
grapple, four slender, high-tensile steel fingers penetrate
deeply into the pile of debris.
When the grapple is raised, fingers automatically slide along the
ground to get far under the load before the load is lifted. This
action is so unique and effective that it is protected by patents.
As the helicopter moves up, the load on the helicopter gradually increases
over a vertical helicopter travel of about 2 feet. This initial movement
allows the helicopter to be in an upward motion before being fully
loaded, thereby increasing the effective helicopter lift.
A dump switch is the only external control required by the grapple.
Triggering the switch releases a unique hydraulic latch. The activated
latch permits the arms and fingers to open at a controlled rate and
to dump the load.
When the arms are fully open and all four grapple fingers point straight
down, the Fandrich grapple is reset, ready to repeat its grasping,
carrying and dumping operation.
The Fandrich grapple operates without external power. There are
no engines to stall, no hydraulic hoses to leak, no electric power
to overload. Hooking to the cargo hook and connecting to a switch
make the grapple fully operational.
Fandrich grapple
- large volume capacity- 40" wide by 35" high.
- aluminum grapple weight- 130 lbs.
- load capacity- 1600 lbs.
IB#18: Instructions for Fandrich Grapple
February 1999 Operating Bulletin
Fandrich aerial grapples are designed to grab and rapidly transport
material using helicopters. The Fandrich grapple transports materials,
moves logs, opens beaver dams and collects debris by using only the
lift of the helicopter to grasp, carry and dump the load. All action
is mechanical. The grapple resets itself by using its own weight.
The grapple hangs on the cargo hook of the helicopter and can be released
at any time in an emergency. It weighs about 140 lbs and should not
be used with helicopters having a net lift in excess of 1600 pounds.
The pilot controls grabbing by lowering and raising the grapple,
and dumping through a switch on his control stick.
Fandrich grapples are protected by three United States and Canadian
The patented grapple quickly grasps, carries and dumps material at
80 to 120 loads per hour.
- Release the 3 inch yellow locking latch near one end of the grapple
by lifting one end off the anchor bolt on the cable arm and rotating
it 180 degrees. The cable arms are now free to be lifted up.
- Unroll the cable with its attached control wire and trailer plug.
- Connect the free end of the pigtail on the trailer plug to the
helicopter wiring.
The trailer plug has the same connections as on Fandrich aerial cone
harvesters. On the Fandrich grapple, only the green and black wires
are used. Connect the helicopter 24 volt supply with a momentary switch
between the green and black wires.
When the switch in the helicopter is on, the solenoid in the hydraulic
latch on the Fandrich grapple is open to allow the latch to contract
and the fingers to open. As long as the switch is on, the cable arms
are free to rotate and fingers are free to open at a controlled rate.
When the switch is off, the latch is locked in place.
- Lift the cable arms to which the cables are connected. The fingers
should slide along the ground as they rotate.
- Check the operation of the circuit by connecting trailer plugs
and turning the switch in the helicopter on. Lift the cable arms. The
cable arms should now slowly move up without the fingers rotating
or sliding along the ground. When the switch is turned off, moving
the cable arms should again rotate the fingers and cause them to slide
along the ground.
- Lift the grapple with the helicopter. As the helicopter slowly
lifts the grapple, the cable arms will move up before the grapple
body does. The fingers will rotate and slide along the ground. Once
the grapple fingers are completely closed or engage the load, the
grapple will lift off the ground. The grapple is now in a load-carrying
- With the helicopter holding the grapple free of the ground, turn
the switch on and hold it open. The fingers should now slowly open
as the hydraulic latch contracts and the cable arms move up. If the
grapple is carrying a load, the load would now dump. It may take about
10 seconds for the fingers to open completely.
- Once the fingers are completely open and pointing straight down,
release the switch. The grapple is now ready to be lowered over the
- Lower the grapple and set it over the load to be picked up. After
the grapple is sitting on the ground or over the load, continue lowering
the grapple cable. The cable arms will continue to drop as the springs
pull it down.
Once the cables become slack indicating that the cable arms are all
the way down, the grapple is ready to be lifted up to grab the load.
- Repeat procedure steps (1) to (4) above.
The grapples are shipped with a yellow locking latch in the locked
position. This latch holds the grapple fingers and arms rigidly for
transport. This latch should be rotated into the locked position
before the grapple is moved by hand and must be rotated into locked
position before it is shipped.
This page was last updated September 30, 1999